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🇨🇦🎁 Boxing Day 2023 - Travel Deals?!

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

Travel Deal Tuesday Promotion Banner from Hopper

Boxing Day Sales - Are travel deals actually a deal? We've been primed for decades now that Boxing Day sales are the BEST DEALS OF THE YEAR!!! Personally, in my opinion, these overmarketed sales have long been mediocre with a few very specific sale items to make you think it's all a bargain. I have this opinion broadly for all Boxing Day sales, but this year I wanted to put some data to that. So I have been tracking the prices of 3 vacations starting from December 15, from MANY Canadian cities and through various carriers, to see if there are ACTUALLY price drops and value to these advertised sales or not. Obviously, this isn't science. It will be 1000+ data points but really only looking at 3 resorts over a short time period. My thinking is they will either allow the prices to rise before Christmas to then drop them AFTER Christmas, or keep the prices stagnant when they'd typically be lowering them closer to the vacation departure date, so that on Boxing Day they can drop them a significant amount.

Admittedly I should have started this tracking more than 11 days before boxing day, but we ~*~*~use what we have~*~* ~ (shoutout to @mac.larena local Hali queen). Next year!!!!! Last year's deals: If you're in the market to book some travel, the best way to know if you are getting a deal is to know what the typical prices are like, and then you can know if the sale price is any better.

Just think, is that pan for 70% off at Canadian Tire ACTUALLY 70% off, or is it 'on sale' for that half the year? Admittedly I found much less evidence from 2022 sales for Boxing Day as compared to TRAVEL TUESDAY (Black Friday Sales) but it's still a start, especially if you are thinking of airline deals for flight-only purchases.

Here's a list of last year's deals. The prices for vacations that I'm tracking are in the other tab. The best way to get a good deal is to know your prices, and know what price you are willing to pay before the sale! Have your research done for options, and be ready to buy or walk away!

Check out travel contests for Canadians here. I am not associated with any of these sales unless specified. The info provided is for general guidance and informational purposes only. I'm not a licensed travel advisor. This advice does not constitute professional advice. You should independently verify and research all information. Prices are examples and may change. Content is personal opinion only for educational purposes. I do not assume any responsibility for any consequences resulting from actions taken based on the advice provided.

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