With airline tickets being increasingly a la carte instead of all-inclusive, paying for even carry-on bags is becoming more common. Here are some Personal Item Bags that FIT. These bags range from $0 to $175 so there is something for every budget.
This is Part 3 of a 3 Part Series.
I made bag sizers to match most dimensions of Canadian airline sizer rules (as of July 2024) and did a sample pack of both carry-on and personal item sizes to show just how much you can, or can't fit.
BUT! The real challenge is finding a bag that suits your budget and your lifestyle to fit all that stuff in. In this part, I tackle personal item-sized bag options.
Part 1 is here. An overview of the actual clothes you can fit in a carry-on and personal item space
Part 2 is here. A look at carry-on item-sized bag options
Here are 3 Personal Item Bag options
If you prefer a video - click here for a full breakdown!
1. A Bookbag you ALREADY OWN - $0
There is no reason to spend money on something special for a good personal item-sized bag. The best bag to use is the one that works, and you don't have to pay for it!
I have a few bags, but for me, the best combination of comfort and fitting within the size requirements is an old MEC bookbag that came with a bigger travel backpack that I purchased around 2008! It has
I like that it has multiple pockets and an elastic drawstring that I can throw my coat or spare shoes on without having to fit it in the bag.
2. Bellroy Lite Ready Pack 18 L - $175 (Affiliate)
I did get this bag for free during my early days of posting travel content but I was not compensated for posting it. Overall this has become my go-to bag for a day bag while taking trips.
However, I did successfully fit everything I needed in this bag, just like the other bags. It was definitely a tight fit, and something above 20 L would probably be a bit better option. However, the bag is extremely lightweight and durable but still has a lightly padded back, unlike most folding travel backpacks. I wouldn't purchase this bag specifically for a personal item-sized bag option, but it is a great option to use since I already have and use this bag for travel as my day pack on other trips and have ended up using this as my personal item when I also had a carry-on when I bought a few too many items on a trip! I do see Bellroy items for sale used on secondary markets and they seem to maintain their durability, even in the 'lite' series, which is more lightweight than their normal bags. If you are thinking about something from this line, check out what you can buy second-hand before spending the money!
I wanted to find something that would be extremely affordable, and this hit that goal.
While this bag is very affordable, it is best suited for the infrequent traveller who just needs something to carry their items. I would not expect this to be a bag that would tolerate frequent heavy-duty use.
The added benefit to this bag is that it is collapsible and stores in its own pocket, so you could bring it along on other tips as a secondary bag if you will be shopping a bunch or bringing a bunch of extra items home.
What do you use for your personal item sized bag?
Here are some packing lists to give you an idea of what to bring! 14 Days in a Carry-On Bag
Part 1 - How much can you pack Canadian carry-ons and personal items?
Part 3- Great Personal Item Bags (from $0 to $150) - soon
Disclosure: This is not a travel agent website and this is all my personal opinion based on what I have experienced.
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